Instant Sciences

Dark matter and dark energy

Dark matter and dark energy are two of the most complex cosmic secrets and mysteries still in the very mystery.
scientists are trying to decipher it through telescopes and space kept on the depths of the universe.

The dark side of the universe puzzle baffles the human

Our planet and our galaxy and other endless galaxies swim in absolute darkness. 
Dark energy is important because it is the main element in the universe and that makes it exciting. To consider that the universe is a whole unit (100%)the dark energy represents about 75% of the universe and dark matter and holes blackness about 21% of it and 4% atoms or ordinary matter, that is all you can see is less than 4% and what we see is actually of stars represents only 0.5% of the overall energy in the universe, so we talk about the dark side of the universe.

Dark energy 

Dark energy ( or black energy), is the energy that make up three -quarters of the size of the universe , the more complex puzzles in the history of human science since about a century ago when it contributed in the complexity of Albert Einstein most famous equations.Dark energy is considered in cosmology a default form of energy forms. penetrate cosmic space and have a characteristic of negative pressure and it is considered an attractive repulsive force, a type of energy from the universe and its presence is necessary as a driving force , to accelerate in its expansion .And this energy is tested indirectly , through astronomical Views that calculate the speed of expansion of the universe . Although scientists agree on the existence of dark energy , the lack of access to sufficient accuracy in determining the accelerated expansion of the universe , prevents accurate determination of the role of dark energy in it, remains a mystery to scientists sticks .We can say that dark energy is necessary for the annotations theory about the expansion of the universe , despite the passage of almost 10 years on the launch of it speech."Dark energy is responsible for the acceleration that rise to the expansion of the universe"

Dark Matter

For many decades of years, scientists offer their equations about the universe, and how it is made up of mysterious substances can not be detected called dark matter. However, they could not but finally prove the existence of this matter, which are classified as micro-atomic particles.

After studying the available data from the collision occurred a long time ago between two groups of giant galaxies, researchers say that they now have become unsure of the existence of dark matter, which plays a central role in the generation of gravity and identified across all parts of the universe.
Indeed, the theory of dark matter has grown up, in order to interpret the findings reached by the scientists before the decades , which indicated then that he did not exist in the universe is visible matter enough to generate gravity in it , and to prevent the galaxies from the starting away from each other. The newspaper of Washington Post say from Dag Clough , a researcher at the University of Arizona in Tescun , who led the study, which was supervised by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration « NASA » together with Harvard University as saying that « the universe dominated by dark matter , it seems impossible (opposed to the preposterous and nature ), so we wanted to test (it) to determine whether our thinking is essential defects » , adding that « these results are direct proof that dark matter exists » actually . 

Dark matter is a valid puzzle in all the parts of the universe

How did the story start ?

the dark matter is considered as one of the most important secrets of the universe in the twenty-century atheist, but it defies scientists stay unable to discover what it is or know what they are, but they are trying to explore this matter, and they has reached a number of important facts, but the trip is still in its infancy. 

The main difficulties lie in that this matter does not issue any rays of light, but she does not reflect light, and do not react with or affected by it, it only works because of the great attractiveness.
75 years since astronomers began noticing something strange in the behavior of galaxies, when they calculated the speed of the galaxies in theory they find it much less than the actual speed that have been monitored, permission must be there is something unknown to accelerate the galaxies!!

 the scientists have draw graphic curves shows the relationship between the speed of distant galaxies and the distance that separates us about, and found that the mathematical logic dictates that the galaxy the farther from the center should decrease the speed of rotation, just like the solar system, where we note that the planets near the sun rotates faster than the distant planets because of the great beyond.
But empirical research confirms that the distant galaxies are accelerating the movement and that is reserve to the expected, why? This is a question that has puzzled scientists and they didn't find a logical answer but to assume the existence of dark matter and dark energy encyclopedia influence on distant galaxies and accelerate the movement constantly.

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