Instant Sciences


War is the engine of civilization .. And the biggest proof in front of us is the World War II And that in spite of her palace 1939-1945 , but it was a big key and opened for Science and Technology

In PART II of the twentieth century when
Berlin fell. the Russian Red Army and the U.S. military have share the " cake of the Third Reich " that consist of an army of researchers and scientists who have served under the banner of Hitler And Each team had a share in the scientific research that could be stolen from laboratories and research centers 
The Germans was Languishing under the treaties of the First World War , which forced them to not develop aircraft engines. Were those treaties have a positive impact in the development of the aeronautics
And the Germans scientists was have the favor in the manufacture of a new fleet of aircraft , which are dependent on the technologies that rely on techniques not preceded. One of those technologies, the " horten helice"
The Horten VII
on the wing

These aircraft are designed to hide the engines inside it and to be silent as much as possible so as not to be discovered by the radars 
At war at that time they was laying strips of aluminum from aircraft to confuse radars 
you can see the similarities between it and the Northrop B-2 Spirit ??

 Northrop B-2 Spirit on the wing
After years of war the achievements of the Soviet Union has flourished ( First visit to the space: Yuri Akkakarin ...)
As well as the achievements of the United States what put a new geopolitical map on the scene and that was evident in the Cold War, which we have seen from
Which miraculous phenomena and dishwasher and space aliens
(Bermuda Triangle in the Gulf of Mexico and the Roswell incident)

The means to say: Where was this phenomena before the war ??

And how to extraterrestrials incur the trouble of traveling for millions of light-years to visit the planet to fall off their boats in them??

Then, travelling all this distances is only possible in fiction ??

Suppose that there are objects on the other side of our galaxy Travel to us with the speed of light = 300,000 km / s. that's requires 100,000 years
 let alone galaxies near to us like Andromeda And that away from us two million light-years away / light can quickly access them after 2 million  years 

There are other ways , such as Black holes 

 And that which can travel faster than light?? But even for creatures miss millions of years of evolution it remains almost impossible

The Cold War was fuel to format a new scientific name called pseudo-science:This science rely on scientific data , but do not follow the ways of scientific and experimental schools It exceeded the space objects for
impersonality other things 

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